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Free Shipping on orders of $59 or more!
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Two guys, lots of supportive family members, and a massive passion for Texas BBQUE.
Competition cooks for over 20 years, Kyle Bond and Abram Bueche (hence the Double B in BBQUE) decided to take on the challenge of bottling and selling our competition seasonings.
We started as a small catering company providing fresh-made BBQUE for parties and gatherings. While sitting by the pit one afternoon we hatched the idea of adding a retail product line to help share our vision of how Texas BBQUE should taste with the world.
Founded in Kerrville, Texas, the heart of the Texas Hill Country, our dream is slowly becoming a reality. Lots of hard work, late nights crafting and perfecting the perfect rubs, sauces, brines, and injections has turned in to BBQUE TEXAS, our baby, our dream, and our passion.
We invite you to “Savor Our Texas Flavor” as we strive to provide the freshest and most flavorful blends of spices available anywhere in the world.
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Made in the USA
Championship Proven
Backyard Approved
Award Winning
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